插接箱是用户使用为频繁,分支电流保护关键之部位,箱内装有自动空气开关确保分路过载及短路保护,规格分100A、200A、400A、630A,整定电流根据用户选择。 插接箱的插脚是重要部件,本公司*的工艺在插脚上另加二块65Mn弹簧钢片,确保插接200次以上仍具有良好的弹性接触,大于250A的插脚采用可靠的外办夹紧方法,使其具有良好的接触。 The tap-off box is a protection device for branch circuits, in which the automatic air switch will shut off electricity when overloading or short circuit occurs. Types include 100A, 400A and 630A, or rated current will be chosen on request by users. The crucial part in the box is plugs. Our company has developed a technique to add two 65 Mn spring steel slices to the socket to improve contact effect when connection is over 200 times. For a socket loading current larger than 250A, the external clamping will guaranttee the effective contacts. 插接箱外形尺寸   |